Cape Porpoise, Maine seemed to be the most unlikely place to spot any famous people, but we apparently were there during the most exciting week since Paul Newman shot a movie at Nunan's Lobster Hut (whenever Paul Newman made movies instead of salad dressing...so maybe 1970s??). We were having our brunch at The Wayfarer and noticed lots of people setting up lights and screens outside The Captain's Restaurant, which is only open for dinner. We asked our waitress what was going on, and she said that Taylor Swift was going to be shooting a music video there. We slowly finished brunch so we could snoop some more, and then we decided to stake it out for a while. The director of the video told us that Taylor would come out of the restaurant when she was finished and would wave to all her fans. We waited for an hour to get a good glimpse of her. A few days earlier, we were driving through the center of Cape Porpoise and noticed an older gentleman standing at the stop sign along his bike. He wiped the sweat off his brow, and looked right in our direction. It was George H. W. Bush! He was with a younger man on a bike in a bright yellow shirt, so I'm assuming that was his secret service agent. Adam thought I was crazy, and that it couldn't have been President Bush even though their family stays at Walker Point just a few miles away from our cottage. Later that evening, the local news confirmed that the Bush family was in town because Barbara was going to be visiting her hospital in Portland the next day. So, chances are that WAS George H. W. Bush! Too cool!! |